I arrived at this dear family’s home around 4:30 p.m. with the kids already ready for a few dips in the pool.
This was the third evening in their lives that I photographed and incredibly, every time I meet them, they are in a different house. It is so nice to have this record of their lives in each house.
The afternoon started with many dives in the pool and a snack in the garden. Then it was time for a bath, which with three kids is always with great bustle, and a bike ride around the neighborhood, just like we did in the previous sessions.
Lots of playing around the house, and then it’s off to the garden in an impromptu play with the hose.
Dinner was pizza, which they love so much that arguments to make sure no one eats more than the other are inevitable.
At the end of the day, kids and adults alike were exhausted, but there was still energy left for one or two bedtime stories.
This was “An Evening in the Life” documentary session . It lasted 6 hours in which I accompanied and photographed these kids and their parents from mid-afternoon until the kids went to bed.
In these documentary sessions I photograph the routines of your everyday life. I photograph the fun moments as well as the crying moments, the bickering and the affection.
It is family photography without poses and without directions.